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«Population Processes» – электронный научный журнал.

Периодичность – 1 раз в год. Издается с 2016 года.

Рейтинг статей журнала

Автор Название статьи Год, номер Количество скачиваний
1 Nicolas W. Mitiukov[Russia], Aleksei V. Korobeinikov[Russia] The Principle of Similarity Numbers of Recruiting Cohorts 2016, March 560
2 Goran Rajović[Russia], Jelisavka Bulatović[Serbia] Regional Aspects of the Population in Montenegro: Review 2016, March 547
3 Nana M. Berdzenishvili[Georgia] The History of the Georgian Population 2016, March 537
4 Nana M. Berdzenishvili[Georgia], Georgii A. Dzamunashvili[Georgia] The Demography of the Population in Telavi 2016, March 530
5 Igor I. Shcherbak[Russia] Some Aspects of Demographic Problems of the USSR after the Great Patriotic War 2016, September 516
6 Olga V. Natolochnaya[Russia] The Social Policy of the USSR in 1945-1953 years: the Public Health Protection 2016, September 488
7 Elena G. Ryaposova[Russia] The Research of Opportunities to Improve Life Expectancy in Russian Based on Mathematical Multifactor Models 2016, September 488
8 Goran Rajović[Russia], Jelisavka Bulatović[Serbia] Regional Inequalities Population of Montenegro with Overview of Regional Indicators 2016, September 486
9 Timur M. Khusyainov[Russia] Causes of Death of Inhabitants of Greenland: Age and Gender Dimension 2017, December 334
10 Vladimir N. Shaidurov[Russia] Gypsies in the Russian Empire (during the 18th and first half of the 19th century) 2017, December 329

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